Barbie as rapunzel penelope
Barbie as rapunzel penelope

barbie as rapunzel penelope

Fearing that Hugo would get the blame and be punished severely, Penelope convinced Rapunzel to return. Unbeknownst to both Gothel and Hugo, Rapunzel had a magic paintbrush that allowed her to escape the tower. When Gothel found that Rapunzel had met someone, she imprisoned Rapunzel in the tower to try and get her to tell Gothel his name while having Hugo guard over her.

barbie as rapunzel penelope

Unfortunately, Penelope was unable to be so because (despite her best efforts) she was afraid of flying and was unable to breathe fire properly. Hugo wanted Penelope to be a real dragon who is fearless and terrifying. Hugo is the father of Penelope and also served under Gothel for many years, following all of her orders without question. He is a dragon who served Gothel, and he is voiced by David Kaye. Nowadays, it's often gets confused with the movie's own Licensed Game.Penelope (daughter) Hugo is a character in Barbie as Rapunzel.

  • The movie itself is not Barbie's first crack at the story aside from various picture books and dolls, there was notably a CD-ROM game adapting the story from the 90's.
  • The much-later Tangled (Disney's adaptation of the same fairy tale) has a lot of details that were first seen in this film, such as the witch being named Gothel, Rapunzel being a painter and a kidnapped princess, and a few of the costume designs (most notably dresses with similar appearances and lilac/purple coloring).
  • Of course, the fact that she kidnapped her in the first place with the full intention of causing a war and thus thousands of deaths entirely out of spite probably means she crossed it earlier.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Gothel casting a spell that would imprison Rapunzel in a tower forever, simply because she thought that she was lying to her, when in truth, Rapunzel was honest the whole time, but Gothel is unable to see it.
  • Memetic Mutation: Otto's aforementioned moan, as well as the scene where he's engulfed in dragon fire.
  • barbie as rapunzel penelope

  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Tying into Friendly Fandoms, Gothel's Finnish voice actress, Sari Ann Stolt, later worked on Tangled as that film's take on Gothel.
  • Fan works crossing the two over are common online.
  • Friendly Fandoms: A lot of fans who grew up with this movie also ended up being fans of Tangled.
  • Penelope is also often considered the best of the sidekicks in the Barbie movie series, especially since that they often range from being divisive at best and despised at worst. She has a very cute design, Cree Summer gives a wonderful performance, and she easily has the most Character Development in the film.

    barbie as rapunzel penelope

  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Penelope is easily the most beloved character of the film.
  • Awesome Music: Seriously, just listen to the basic theme.
  • Accidental Innuendo: During the scene where Otto suggests that Gothel give Hobie to him so that he can eat him, Otto lets out a very suggestive moan in between sentences, as if he wants Hobie for a.

  • Barbie as rapunzel penelope